Notice a theme? We're thinking about when we could get a dog of our own. I've been waiting since I was 19 to get one, waiting till I thought I could provide a good home, till I could be the kind of dog owner that I wanted to be. I'm so close I can taste it!
Luke has become the sun and the moon and the shining stars in Alex's world. When Luke calls during the day, I hold the phone to Alex's ear and a look of pure joy sweeps across his face, he turns to look into the speaker and caresses it lovingly, sometimes planting a kiss on it, and says in an awe-filled voice, "Hi, Dada!"
Anya is fearless as ever, and crinkles her nose when she smiles, and smiles when she finally scales the dining room table, the stack of crates designed to thwart her, every chair in the house, the bookcase. She belly laughs and giggles and tickles her brother and bowls people and pets over with her enthusiastic hugs and kisses. She amazes me.
And Luke. Luke makes me happier and stronger every single day. I don't think I even imagined that someone as strong and amazing and loving could exist till I knew him. I am so very lucky.